as a mother that is. last year i was huge and pregnant, but this year, i got to enjoy is belly(ish) free and with my beautiful baby boy!
so like a month ago, matt and i ripped up all the ugly plants and weeds from our walkway and had grand plans of getting bushes that same weekend and planting them. well, that didn't happen. so matt decided to do it as part of his mother's day gift to me. we went and bought the bushes and flowers together (cause he would never buy something like that without me for fear of what i would say after). my parents had a bunch of landscaping bricks at their house that they just gave us so he used those too. he did all of the work on saturday while i was at a stake relief society activity. it turned out BEAUTIFUL! and it's still not quite done, we are doing more this weekend. but here is what he accomplished, and i love it!

he also got me a dozen of gourmet chocolate covered strawberries, you know, the kind they advertise on tv that always look so dreamy good and you just drool when you see them? well, they are just as dreamy good as they look. we ate them all saturday and sunday (matt had 7 and i had some self control and only ate 5- ha!). i didn't get a picture because as soon as they arrived, we ate one, and the camera was at my parent's house. and of course all of this was from evan too, he's just too little to speak so i fail to give him credit sometimes.
i also gave gifts to my mom and grandmother. i gave my grandmother a hanging basket with a cute little sign i made that said "thanks for helping evan bloom", cause she really has. my mom's gift was extra special though. months ago, before christmas, she saw a frame in halmark that said "sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in our heart". well she loved it, took a picture of it, and texted it to me and told me to make it for her. here is the halmark version:
while on her yard-sale adventures in NYC she found a frame that was the right shape for me to copy the halmark frame, so she bought it and gave it to me. i've had the frame since before christmas and i knew if i didn't get it done by mother's day, i was a failure of a daughter. well i did and it turned out even better than i expected! she assumed i was going to put only pictures of evan in it, but i surprised her with pictures of me and katie as babies too. here it is:
that's me in the first picture, evan in the middle, and katie on the end. aren't we all such cutie pies!! she cried when i gave it to her, and i would have been a little disappointed if she hadn't! i love making things and don't do it often enough and i'm glad i did this and did it for my mom, who is, of course, the best mom in the world.