Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 15, 2012

evan- 11 months

so yes, this one is 11 days overdue!! but july has been so busy and so awesome, i just haven't made the time for blogging. but i'm back now, and asking for forgiveness from my few readers.

my "baby" is 11 months old! hardly a baby anymore. i cannot believe my next monthly post for him, he will be one! they say the first year flies by and in my opinion, that's putting it lightly. it's amazing how smart he is now. he prefers to feed himself but will still let us feed him some baby food (which is good since i still have a lot that needs to go!). he still loves books, and now he really loves picture books that he can point to and you tell him the word. he says a few things (that we can understand, anyone else probably would not). he says "wa" for water (he loves to drink water from his baby camelback) he says "ugh" for more or again. he says "ollie", which is my parents' dog's name. if he is looking at a picture of our family he can identify both mommy and daddy. he can also identify my cousins tyler and nora, because their pictures are on mine and my mom's fridge. he still loves lions! he is drawn to them first in any picture or in any book. if you ask him "are you funny?" he smiles and says "ha!" he laughs when other people laugh. when he passes any kind of gas, we tell him he's rude and he says "rrr" and laughs- every time. if the puppies are licking him or doing anything he doesn't like, he shews them away with his hand, which is awesome. he is not confident enough to stand or walk on his own, but i know he could. he is so strong and walks around holding things like its nothing and can go up stairs so fast, he just has to muster up the courage to let go! he HATES the bath all of the sudden, which is not fun for anyone in the house. but he is still just happy happy. he has developed so much awesome personality, we love him so much and he is undoubtedly the greatest joy ever to enter our lives.

had to share this extra gem of a photo this month too:

1 comment:

  1. We love that he knows Nora! That's awesome! I can't wait to see his tricks whenever we see him next!
