Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 12, 2013


I know I am going to blow everyone's mind by blogging 2 days in a row, but it is a rare moment where both of my sweet boys are asleep and I am eating lunch at the dining room table (where the computer lives) and felt a spur of the moment update desire. FYI, I intend to start being an "earnest" blogger again in 2014. And I tend to keep my New Years resolutions so, maybe I will be on this more than once a month and tell you more than just Dallin's latest and greatest.

So... BOM-RAT. What's that all about? Let me tell you. It's the abbreviation for "Book of Mormon Read-a-Thon". We are planning one for next Friday with the Young Women in our ward. We will read the entire Book of Mormon in a mere 24 hours. Is it possible? Well, lots of other units have done it and lived to blog it about it later that week so I can only assume it is. I will tell you this much though, right now, it's very daunting to think about.

Here is the thing, it is A LOT more than "just reading" for 24 hours. Let's not even think about the content of what we are reading- that's a whole thing in and of itself. But there is a lot of planning involved in "just reading"for 24 hours. Like a lot of food. I mean, we are talking about teenage girls. Like a lot of activities to keep them us awake. Like a lot of outside help to come and read to them. Like an awesome host family who is willing to turn their house over to a bunch of teenage girls and their crazy leaders for 24 hours. Like a detailed schedule of exactly what we will read at exactly what time and where in what groups. This is all just the tip of the iceberg.

I want to share details with you all, but I just can't right now. It's ALL a big surprise for the girls. And we've got lots of tricks up our sleeves. So stay tuned and I promise to provide the reading schedule (which some of you have asked for), the details of our night, and maybe even some pictures.

Who knows, now that I am back to blogging, you may wish me to be gone sooner than you think!

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