Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Dallin- 6 months

On Christmas day, Dallin celebrated his half birthday! So his first Christmas and 6 month old all in one day- that's a lot for a little guy to take in! Month 6 has proved to be just as wonderful and exciting as the rest. He is such a good natured, happy, little fellow that we just can't help but love him. He is a regular eater now- he eats oatmeal and 1/2-1 thing of baby food everyday. He still loves his bottles. He has also been introduced to water and enjoys that quite a bit. He now has 3 teeth!! I forgot to mention last month that he already had 2 on the bottom but now one on top hap broken through, too. And thanks to those teeth, the amount of drool being produced on a daily basis has gone down substantially. He can sit up all by himself for short periods of time. He chooses to roll from his back to his front or vice versa and has quite a bit of control over his entire body. He can bring his foot to his mouth, pull of his socks, pick up just about anything, take pretty much anything from you that he wants, pull your hair, pull your jewelry... you know, typical into everything kind of stuff. He loves books and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (not that he has a choice in the matter). He LOVES his name! Old McDonald is still his favorite song and you have to sing it with his name in it. He went on his first plane ride this month and was great- no fussing (cause he gets to be held the entire time). He also went to California and Disneyland this month- now that's what I call a good month! He still loves his brother and is a mommy's boy. He sleeps through the night almost without fail. He likes to babble. And his greatest discovery ever is his tongue!! He loves that thing- it's out every time he smiles, so that makes up a lot of his day. We call it the "pink pickle" cause it looks just like that- a little baby pink pickle sticking out of his mouth. It is so stinking cute. He really just wants to be big- when Matt and Evan play like "big boys" he just watches and wants to be in on it all so badly! His time will come but for now we are still enjoying the little bit of "baby" time we have left with this one- he is such a sweetie, cutie, goodie boy and we are super blessed to call him ours!

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