Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

mornings with evan

evan is the happiest little baby when he wakes up, be it in the morning or from a nap. the way i know he's up is i hear him talking to himself. once he starts to grunt, i know he's officially awake enough that he wants me to come and get him.

when matt is home, i go and get evan and put him in the bed with us for a little while so we can play with him (plus i let evan wake matt up, then he isn't grouchy). saturdays are usually a day when i do this, and this past saturday was no exception. evan woke up around 7:30 (which is normal) and i brought him in and laid him on his tummy between matt and me. he played the cutest game with us! matt would make kissy sounds, evan would turn to matt, open his mouth for a kiss, and then matt would kiss him. then i would make kissy sounds, he would turn to me, open his mouth, and i would kiss him. he went back and forth doing this probably 20 times. it was so cute! (i love that he asks for and likes kisses except that he will also open his mouth for fergye who will then lick the inside of his mouth- gross!)

then yesterday (monday), matt didn't have school so i again brought evan into the bed with us. we had him sitting up between us and he was just jabbering on and on and on. so matt started saying "dadadada" to try and get evan to say it, but all evan would say in return was "mamamama" so matt said it again, "dadadada" and evan said "mamama". this went on for a few minutes and we just laughed at him and he would laugh back and then say "mamama". so adorable! i tried to record it on my phone but as soon as i got it and evan saw it, he locked onto the phone and stopped playing the game because the new game had begun- get the phone!

seeing evan first thing in the morning is the absolute best way to start my day! i love him oh so much!

1 comment:

  1. Love that yall play the same kinds of games we did! Even the baby-waking-daddy one. =)
